Protest posters: One site, two exhibitions
“This exhibition may offend the sensibility of some people, if they still have it” warns a sign at the entrance of the exhibition which will be open until September 4 in DIMAD, Central Design at Matadero Madrid featuring two exhibitions about national and global social problems.
The first exhibit is Agitadores de Conciencia, which contains two hundred posters by over thirty different artists, some with more recognition than others. The posters have no additional information about their creator or topic, allowing the public to reach their own conclusions about the work. The main purpose of the project and the exhibition is to show a different side of design by moving away from the more formal and aesthetic approaches focused on advertising and consumerism by presenting political and social activist design pieces.
The show/exhibit is complemented with a more direct and critical point of view by the second exhibition: Estampadores de Conciencia, an exhibition featuring the images gathered from an open a call for political posters using stencils, one of the cheapest graphics and well-associated with protest messages.
The exhibition will be on display until September 4th, so if you live or visit Madrid this is something you can’t afford to miss! If you’ve already seen the exhibition let us know your impressions in the comment section below.
Via: ¡Ah! Magazine.
Now we are talking POSTER.
Visual without message is waste of time and money. We designers ought to contribute to social and political debates especially in a turbulent world we live in.
Thanks and looking forward to see more posts like this.