Poster Monday: Auteur Film Festival
The second Poster Monday spot of the day belongs to Vladimir Vasić for his poster designed for the “Auteur Film Festival”. Vladimir is an independent graphic designer born in Belgrade, Serbia. Working on illustration, typography and photography are his main occupations.
After graduating from the School of Visual and Applied Arts in Belgrade in 2009, he worked as a graphic designer in several agencies in Belgrade, and currently works on his own place.
In term of the poster for the Film Festival Vladimir explains that the idea was to shoot a glass breaking, and play it backwards so the glass can be restored. In order to achieve the poster Vladimir and his team had to cut a bunch of glass with a size of 35cm x 50cm and spray the titles on it. At the photo studio they started with all the fun, tearing all glasses to pieces until they caught the “perfect moment” in video.
“It’s possible that all this is my subconscious point of view. Basically, in a country where culture is broken into pieces, the Author Movie Festival is just a piece of a broken glass that needs to be put together.” says Vladimir explaining the concept and idea behind the poster.
If you would like to know more about Vladimir visit his personal blog and remember to submit your posters for the next edition of Poster Monday.