Poster Monday: To love / To struggle / To live
The first Poster Monday spot of September belongs to Onarie Graphic Collective from Argentina for the poster entitled “To love / To struggle / To live”. Onaire Graphic Collective was formed in 2007 by five graphic designers who graduated from the School of Architecture, Design and Town Planning at the University of Buenos Aires. The members of the collective are Mariana Campo Lagorio, Gabriel M. Lopatín, Gabriel Mahia, Sebastián Puy and Natalia Volpe. They cannot think about their work dissociated from their responsibility as social actors, and it is through the design of posters that they put it in practice. The group has developed their own working method which they call “Guiso Gráfico” (Graphic Stew), and their favorite topics are related with history, social and cultural reality.
The poster “To love / To struggle / To live” was created for a competition called “Changing Genres Roles Perception in Latin America”. The poster emphasizes the role of Latin American women. The designers use Marian iconography, strongly popular in Latin culture, to restate their active stance and views of the struggle and their social claims. Onaire believes that if there is much to say there will be plenty to draw. And putting in an image that needs to be heard happens to have the strength of a scream. In this case, that expression is collective.
If you would like to know more about Onaire Graphic Collective you can visit their web page and behance account.
If you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate in our submissions page.