Poster Monday: Ni Palestino, Ni Israelí: Niño
For the second Poster Monday spot of the day we have a poster designed by Leandro Cepeda from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Guided by his passion for drawing Leandro studied at the Escuela Carlos Morel de Bellas Artes de Quilmes to become a teacher, but soon enough he realized that teaching was not his path so he moved to study Graphic Design at the same institution. He got his Graphic Designer title in 2011.
The creative process for designing this poster “Ni Palestino, ni Israelí; Niño (Not Palestinian, not Israeli; Child)” was quite simple. Leandro explains: “after talking with several colleagues about the importance of this conflict, I thought, how can I, a person living so far from this conflict form an opinion? And the only truth that I found was this: no matter the religion children have no flags.”
From his position as an illustrator and graphic designer Leandro felts the need to do something for making this conflict visible to everybody, using the tools his profession and education had provided him. The idea is to make people think about the harm we are causing to the most precious thing we have: our children.
If you would like to know more Leandro Cepeda visit his personal Facebook page. If you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate in our submissions page.