Poster Monday: Painting 4
Claudio Parentela from Catanzaro, Italy is our first featured poster designer for this new edition of Poster Monday. He is an illustrator, painter, photographer, cartoonist, collagist and a freelance journalist active since many years in the international underground scene. He has collaborated and collaborates with zines, magazines of contemporary art in Italy and all around the world.
The poster we are featuring here today under the title “Painting 4” is one of the many artistic creations that Claudio has done. He defines this work as an expresion of his genetical madness mixed with elements and experiences from his surroundings, as for example, music.
While working on this poster Claudio was listening to some songs from Volcano the Bear and reading l’Agenda di Mère. Combining those 3 elements, in companion with a few beers and cigarettes he produced this piece of art is a magical instant.
Claudio enjoys working with the poster format not only because it allows him to replicate his art in a premium format but also because he finds on it the liberty of space. Take a look to others creations Claudio has done on his personal website and stay tuned for the next Poster Monday spot.