Poster Monday: Your Own Lie
For this Poster Monday we have a poster entitled “Your Own Lie” by Patryk Krygowski from Poland. Patryk was born in Przemyśl, Poland. He studied Graphic Design and had a big pleasure to have a great poster designer Wiesław Grzegorczyk as a professor.
The poster “Your Own Lie” was designed to “speak about truth and how important it is in our lifes. Instead on focusing on the actual truth I’m showing the consequences of lies. Each one of them builds a cage for us, makes us prisoners of our own lies; and this is why the truth is that important” says Patryk.
Patryk’s work was selected and exhibited during 2nd International Poster Biennale Bielsko Biała 2015. “I love playing with people’s minds, making them think and wonder about what they see and why they see it. Having a reason to think is not that popular right now since everything around us is now “smart”.
If you would like to see more from Patryk visit his personal web page.