V Poster Forum in Mexico
A couple of weeks ago The 5th Poster Forum took place at the CUAAD in the University of Guadalajara. This event was organized by Issac Cortés with the support of the Academia de Diseño II Cartel (Gabriel Grover, Marco Aquiles, Ricardo Gómez, Tonatihu Hernández, Carlos Carrillo, Eduardo Castillo, Alfredo Reza, Eduardo Galindo) and the assistance of León Cortes. The poster forum was a day for conferences about poster design. Andrés Pérez spoke about photographs and expanded posters, using the work of Morelos as an example. Francisco talked about image quality and photographic printing techniques. Gus Morainslie presented the conference “Design and Social Responsibility and Moisés Romero the one entitled “The image maker”.
As part of this event, the 1st international seminar of the poster took place from March 17th to the 19th, and involved a series of workshops about poster design. The workshop with Andrés Pérez involved painting with light and making posters with studio photography of found objects. The workshop with Gus Morainslie focused on social issues and taking a critical stand as a designer and the workshops with Moisés Romero addressed the complexities of making posters for competitions, taking the Italian Biennale, Segunda Llamada and Poster for Tomorrow as case studies.
The participants of the workshops expressed their delight, not only about the event, but about the beautiful location, that overlooked a natural canyon, providing the attendees with a magnificent view.