City ad transformations by Vermibus
If you liked our post about the Brandalism interventions you are definitely going to like this! This time we want to show you somebody who doesn’t remove ads from their places but treats them as canvas for his art and changes them into something with new form and new meaning.
Berlin based artist, Vermibus, changes the faces of models and stars on street posters, banners and city lights into portraits posters. The deformations made by Vernibus are a way to pose some interesting questions: What is real beauty? And what is the real power of a brand? The silhouettes and images, as well as the identity of the models that appear on the ads are often already transformed by make-up and Photoshop retouching, making Vernibus interventions just another, more critical form of transformation. The result is a striking image where the women on the photos become anonymous, leaving only the brand, without face. What do you think about that kind of intervention on city ads?
Check out more works from Vermibus – on his website.