Poster Battle 2016


Poster Poster is proud to work with Design Toolkit to co-organize this year’s international students designers poster contest Poster Battle, with the theme No Selfie Thought, No Culture. The competition is held under the auspices of the Greek Graphic Designers Association as part of the Toolkit Designers Meeting 2016. 

The contest will have two categories: the Greek category will only consist of the Greek entries will be judged by Greek jury, and the International category consisting of all the entries submitted from all countries and will be judged by an international jury. The members of the jury and the two categories will be announced in the near future. Participation in the competition is free.

The 100 most valuable holdings – as selected by juries – will be exhibited in Thessaloniki period 6-16 October 2016 under the Toolkit Designers Meeting 2016. In each category, the participation to accumulate the highest score will be awarded. Prizes per category will be announced in the near future.


What makes you agonize about your future? Which do you consider the most important value in a person? What is at the top of your mind when you wake up in the morning? What makes you feel good just thinking about it? What do you keep hidden deep inside you? What do you want to say to people around you, but don’t know how to express it? What is your opinion on important issues for humanity? What is your personal opinion that you want to share?

The only possible way for us to evolve, to develop both our personal and, more importantly, our shared culture, is to discuss and share our views on issues that interest and concern us. To accept everyone’s right to free expression – without diffidence or prejudice. How great would it be to be able to collect the most significant thought from every person on Earth! Perhaps then we would discover that regardless of our place of origin, our gender, race, religion, or culture, we actually care about the same things.

Participants in Poster Battle 2016, on the theme of No selfie thought, no culture, are called upon to visualize their personal – selfie – thoughts on a subject that they, personally, consider significant (for example: the future, health, love, friendship, human rights, everyday life, environ- ment, relationships, etc.). Participants may choose the visual style they will use for their poster (typography, illustration, photography, etc.).

Terms of participation

The Poster Battle is ONLY open to individuals who are currently studying in public or private schools of design and applied arts. Participants must submit their work as individuals; no team works are accepted. Each participant may submit up to 5 poster designs, in keeping with the requirements listed below.

Any images and/or photographs used must be created exclusively by the participants and can- not be subject to intellectual property rights or other copyrights. Any posters submitted with images and/or photographs that are not the creation/property of the participant will not be accepted, and if there is any such complaint filed, the relevant work will be disqualified.

Deadline for submission

In order for submission to be valid, posters, together with the completed participant form, must be submitted between July 11 and September 11, 2016, at 23:59 EET.

Any work submitted after September 11, 2016 will not be accepted into the competition. Submission requirements

Each poster must be in digital form, measuring 50x70cm, RGB at 300 dpi, in .jpg format, saved in 8-10 quality, and no larger than 20MB. The file name must follow this format: FirstName_ LastName_01 (the number distinguishes between multiple posters submitted by the same participant).

Each poster submitted must be accompanied by a text of no more than 100 words in English, stating the selfie thought that inspired your poster and why it is important to you. You must complete the related field in the participant form; otherwise your poster(s) will not be accepted into the competition.

Entries made ​​online ONLY to this page of the July 11, 2016 until September 11, 2016.