Poster Monday: The Optimist
The February’s last spot belongs to Ivan Kashlakov a web & graphic designer based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ivan is an Executive Director member at United Designs Alliance(UDA), have taken part in more than 100 group international exhibitions around the world with posters, paintings and drawings in Korea, China, Japan, Macedonia, New York, Madrid, Lublin, Slovakia, USA, Dubai and other countries also 3 solo exhibitions in 2016, 2017 and 2020 of paintings and drawings and he he has won 23 awards and acknowledgments. He loves to travel and create posters and paintings in my free time and to experiment with visual materials. “I see poster design as a creative field in which there are unlimited ways of expressing universal ideas”.
The poster “The Optimst” it’s a self-ordered poster made for fun in the playground of imagination.
“I had felt in many situations no matter what’s happening and how people react around me, that it’s important to always stay positive and optimistic but that is not easy. Like a knight defending himself with a smile against negativity and obstacles in life. It’s hard to be thinking hopefully all the time when you see bad news in the social media or people around you are toxic. Optimism isn’t only wearing the pink glasses when it’s needed it’s having faith and fighting for the better day you believes in. I wanted the poster to be dynamic and somehow involve the viewer directly into action “says Ivan.
If you would like to learn more from Ivan Kashlakov and his work visit his Behance profile and Instagram account. Remember to submit your poster for the next edition of Poster Monday. Find all the info you need in our submissions page, and facebook.