Exhibition: Peter Bankov
Peter Bankov
A truly exceptional poster exhibition is happening right now at Centro University in Mexico City, Mexico. A very unique collection of some of the best poster designs created by Peter Bankov are currently being shown at the auditorium of the Center of Design, Cinema and Television. The event opened on May 25 and included a lecture from Peter discussing his career as a poster designer and his inspirations in Russian culture. This exhibition features dozens of Bankov’s most famous works spanning his career as a poster designer and provides an exciting and colorful view into the creative world of design. The event can be seen in Mexico City until Aug. 25th, 2017.
Exhibition Schedule:
25th May 2017 – 25th Aug. 2017
Organizers in Mexico:
Centro, Festival Naranja, Neurografismos, Esquina Norte
If you would like to see more of Peter Bankov’s artwork take a look at his website.
For more more news and information about posters please visit our news page here.