Maurice Sendak’s Book Posters
These images are part of a surviving copy of the first edition 1986 Posters By Maurice Sendak large-format tome. It contains a unique collection created by Sendak’s illustrated posters for plays, book fairs, art events, operas, Broadway shows, and other cultural happenings.
About the creation of the posters, Sendak says:
“Posters and other occasional pieces make up a very small part of my picture-making, but, paradoxically, I have a disproportionate affection for these easy images. Why “easy”? They came easy. They were painted in rare moments of relaxation. Often, they were the happy summing up of conglomerate emotions and ideas that had previously been distilled into picture books and theatrical productions. Simply, they were fun to do”
About Sendak’s work, the design critic Steven Heller wrote:
“Posters are a distinct genre, but after perusing this “small part” of Sendak’s picture making, it is easy to see that in whatever he created, he had the heart of a poster maker, the eye of a book illustrator, and the soul of an artist”.
Many of the images are featured by his famous Wild Things from 1963. We hope you enjoy this pleacent images.
via BrainPickings