Moby dick exhibition
Elmer Sosa and Carlos Soto from SUPERVOLTA incubadora gráfica organized the collective exhibitions “Moby navegando en tinta” (Moby sailing in ink) and “Los 50 grandes” (The 50 greats). Students and professionals produced illustrated posters based on the classic book “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville.
The opening ceremony was in charge of German Montalvo on December 9th at IESAC-BUAP in Puebla, Mexico. A live drawing session was also part of the exhibition activities.
List of graphic artists included in the exhibtition:
- Cedomir Kostovic / Bosnia
- Iwona Rypsec-Kostovic / Bosnia
- Frank Árbelo / Bolivia
- Marco Tóxico / Bolivia
- Bruno Rivera / Bolivia
- Yann Legendre / USA
- Ricardo Vázquez / Mexico
- Aram Huerta / Mexico
- Chika Galaxia / Mexico
- Daisuke Kashiwa / Japan
- Joan X. Vázquez / Mexico
- Shino Suefusa / Japan
- Axur Eneas / Mexico
- Togui / France
- Lonnie Ruíz / Nicaragua
- Cone Valencia / Mexico
- Manzano / Mexico
- David 902 / Mexico
- Yuriko Shirou / Mexico
- Porroga / Mexico
- Yair Orozco / Mexico
- Yorch / Mexico
- amapola /Mexico
- Chika Galaxia / Mexico
- Elmer Sosa / Mexico
- Roy Villalobos / Mexico-USA
- Ana Ivette Valenzuela / Mexico
- César Ali Hernández / Mexico
- Gus Moranslie / Mexico
- Los Gallos / Mexico
- Tartar / Mexico
- Brett Bean / USA
- Choper Nawers / Mexico
- John Jay Cabuay / USA
- Moisés Romero / Mexico
- Huesudo / Mexico
- Sergio Cupido / Mexico
- Aram Huerta / Mexico
- Fabián Carreras / Argentina
- Erick Gonzaga / Mexico
- Chip Cohete / Mexico
- Jair Abdiel Romero / Mexico
- José Luis Coyotl / Mexico
Thank you so much Elmer Sosa and Carlos Soto, for the invitation, it was an honor to participate along such talents.