Poster Monday: Arriba Mexico
Welcome to Poster Monday. For today’s selection we have a poster from Ángel Boligán. He is a Cuban / Mexican cartoonist who has lived in Mexico since 1992. Boligán has published in the Mexican newspaper EL UNIVERSAL for more than 25 years. He also collaborates in magazines like El Chamuco, Foreign Affairs Latin America and various international media. He is the winner of more than 173 international prizes and on two occasions of the National Prize of Journalism of Mexico. Ángel was selected by the Tabrizcartoon site in Tabriz, Iran, as the best cartoonist of the world in 2014. He is also the founder of Cartónclub.
On September 19, Mexico was reminded of the tragedy that occurred 35 years earlier, an earthquake that devastated the city leaving between five and twenty thousand victims. Without expecting it to be repeated a few hours later, at 13:14 a magnitude earthquake 7.1 affected the center of the country, leaving almost three thousand damaged structures in Mexico City and countless damage in the states of Puebla, Morelos, Oaxaca and Michoacán. Although the tragedy was immense, the most outstanding show of solidarity was the response of the Mexicans, helping without respite the victims under the call #FuerzaMexico.
If you would like to know more Ángel Boligán you can visit his gallery on facebook and if you would like to know more of Cartónclub visit his instagram account.
If you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate on our submissions page.