Poster Monday: Circus without Animals
This poster spot of the day belongs to Ernest Bącler, a 3rd year student of graphic art at the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów, a small town in the south of Poland. In this occasion the featured poster is entitled “Circus without Animals”. The raw form of the poster corresponds and highlights the problem of using animals in circuses.
“Unbelievable is that people in the 21st century are still using animals for their entertainment or for work. The “Circus without Animals” poster is an objection to the ill-treatment of animals in circuses. Its task is to remind people that animals are also rational entities that are able to feel and love. Animals can’t be treated as objects, they deserve respect” says Ernest.
To see more about Ernest Bącler visit his instagram count and if you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate in our submissions page.