Poster Monday: Extinct
The Poster Monday spot of the day goes to Mihta Sevilmis for the poster “Extinct”. Mihta was born in 1999 in Turkey. She is a junior student at Yeditepe University and her major is in graphics design with a concentration on design and posters. The main reason behind her concentration on design on posters is that it enables her to convey her message to her target audience directly from her inner world. She expresses her perspective with different techniques. By keeping people as a part of her designs, she lets them discover for themselves.
The poster “Extinct” tackles the topic of endangered animals for the poster design. The reason for choosing this subject is that animals are not given sufficient importance and value. Mihta wants to raise awareness among people. While examining the reasons behind the extinction of these animals, she recognized that the main reason behind is humankind’s unconsciousness even if it is unintentional.
In order to draw attention to this reality, she used the remains of human faces with elements that will reveal the most distinctive characteristics of extinct animals this in order to draw attention over that one-day humankind will also face the risk of extinction.
If you would like to learn more from Mihta’s work visit her instagram, and remember to submit your poster for the next edition of Poster Monday. Find all the info you need in our submissions page, and facebook.