Poster Monday: kurşun kalem
For today’s first Poster Monday spot we have a poster designed by Orhan Ardahanli entitled “kurşun kalem” (Bullet pencil). Orhan was born in Turkey in 1979. He has a MBA in Graphic Design from the Atatürk University Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic. He works as a creative director in Arkes and as an educator at his former university. Currently he is a member of the Turkey Professional Organization of Graphic Artists.
Orhan has participated and has been recognized in many national and international art exhibitions including the İstanbul 2010 Capital of Culture Activities. He has worked for Eskişehir: The Culture Capital of The Turkic World (2013), the 11th Trabzon European Youth Olympic Festival and the 25th Erzurum Universiade World Winter Games as a creative art director.
The poster “kurşun kalem” explains the power of education with a simple but yet powerful resource. “While I was working on a few sketches, throwing some ideas to the paper, suddenly my pencil tip broke, this event hit me like a bullet, the idea, the poster was there, from there I study the composition, took a few shots and then finished the poster with some help of the computer” explains Orhan. A great example of how sometimes ideas just fall into your arms but only after sitting yourself on a chair with the clear intention to work.
If you would like to know more about Orhan and his work visit his personal website, and stay around until we unveil the next Poster Monday spot of the day.