9th Skopje Poster winners!
Skopje Poster is a worldwide student poster competition, that every year calls students to design a poster regarding social topics. This year, the theme was “Identy in Crisis”, which aims to generate awareness about the issues we face as a world, such as ethnical, cultural, religious, age and sex identification, and separation. In the end 50 posters were selected as finalists, and 10 were awarded several prizes.
The winners are:
- Miguel Angel Rangel, University of San Louis Potosi, Mexico.
- Reka Nemedi Varga from the Metropoliten University in Budapest, Hungary.
Special jury mentions:
- Shujun Liu from China.
- Dikle Jildirim from Turkey.
Honorary mentions:
- Junyi & Zejun Shan & Wang from USA.
- Kylie Dimick from USA.
- Lazar Mitrović from Serbia.
- Inês Filipa da Costa Pimenta Cardoso from Portugal.
- Nicola Murphy from United Kingdom.
- Karol Szczepankiewicz from Poland.
Congratulations to all the selected designers from the Poster Poster team!!
Via: Designed