Poster Monday: city by night
The first Poster Monday spot of the day belongs to Szymon Szymankiewicz from Lódz, Poland for his poster entitled “City by night”. Szymon graduated from Graphic Design from the University of Art, Poznan, Poland in 2012, since then he has been working there as an assistant of the Prof. Eugeniusz Skorwider in Poster Studio II, UAP.
As every designer Szymon believes in the power of the image, “I really don’t like to talk about my work or describe it by using words, I hope the message behind my work to be clear enough and intriguing as I wanted it to be. In my posters I often deal with social and political issues, I always try to put interesting and complex thoughts in simple forms.” he comments to the team.
The poster “City by night” is a combination of a build-up area of a city and a broken bottle (in Szymon’s country this kind of weapon are called “tulip”). If you would like to see more work from Szymon visit his personal behance page.