Poster Monday: Contest
For the third Poster Monday spot we have a poster from Michał Jędraszek. He was born a small town in Poland, study at the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów, and tries to find myself in the world of design. In the future I want to become a graphic designer.
This poster entitled “Contest” was designed as asocial poster on the issue related to ecology, its purpose is to increase public attention to the problem of the lack of drinking water by showing the scale of demand. “Humans hands do not represent any gender, they are neutral, they refer to all people, regardless of nationality, social status or religion. There is also a fight for water; there is only one drop of water and many hands. The poster is distinguished by the simplicity of form and color, thanks to which it is understandable regardless of nationality, because the problem of lack of drinking water applies to everyone” says Michał.
If you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate in our submissions page.