Poster Monday: Minneapolis is parks!
For the July’s first Poster Monday spot we feature the poster “Minneapolis is parks!” designed by Dan Hasty from Minneapolis, USA. Dan study design at the University of Minnesota, Jenny Schmid her instructor for the Advanced Printmaking class this past spring semester, required her students to submit their work to a competition and now here we are presenting it, mission accomplished Dan.
How important are parks to Minneapolis? The value of the city’s parks can hardly be overstated. By providing sustainable social, economic, environmental, and public health benefits, Minneapolis’ parks contribute significantly to the quality of life enjoyed by the city’s residents and larger metropolitan community. As former Minneapolis mayor R.T. Rybak said, “Parks are essential in making Minneapolis a great place to live, work, and play,” proclaiming “Minneapolis is a city in a park.” Indeed, parks help shape and define the city’s essential character. How important are parks to Minneapolis? The honest, answer — Minneapolis is parks! — And the essence of the city’s community.
Nationally and globally, cities are competing for resources, events, visitors, residents, students, businesses, and millennials. Having the best park system in the nation sets Minneapolis apart from the competition. In fact, it’s what distinguishes Minneapolis from others cities and makes it unique and attractive.
“After a satisfying and proud 33-year career with the Minneapolis Parks, I became a digital graphic artist. This Monday’s poster is part of a series that combines my passion for the Minneapolis park system and its bike trails, with my passion for making art” says Dan.
Remember to submit your posters to be featured in our coming editions of Poster Monday.