Poster Monday: Portrait with checkered shirt
For the second Poster Monday spot of the day we are featuring a poster from Jan Sedmak, “Portrait with checkered shirt”, a personal work that soon will be released for sale. Jan is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer from Trieste, Italy. His works are mostly developed from handmade drawings or small paintings but he loves not repeating the creative process, for so, he is always looking for new process and evolving.
According to Jan, seeing faces in everyday objects is a way to feel less lonely. With this poster Jan is also expressing a particular point of view: when smiling some people seems toilets.
You can understand the open mindedness and cultural degree of a whole city by simply observing the posters on its walls Jan says. Very interesting words.
If you want to know more about Jan Sedmak visit, behance and and remember to submit your poster for the next edition of Poster Monday. Find all the info you need in our submissions page, facebook and twitter