Swiss Poster Collection
Happy New Year!! Let’s begin 2015 with some amazing posters from the Swiss Poster Collection. This extensive series of posters presents works of many talented designers. All posters are shared for educational purposes. Currently the collection includes almost 500 posters, odered chronologically and accurately described (i.a. name of author and client, date of creation, technique and translation of meaning) – and it continues growing every year,
Here we choose ten posters to share with you, which as only a small sample of this great selection. You can explore whole virtual exhibition here.
1. Ballet, Ruedi Rüegg, Opernhaus, 1975
2. Die Lektion (The Lesson), Studio Niklaus Troxler , 1987
3. Mond auf, Film ab (Moon up, film on), Ernst Baechtold, 1987
4. Ausstellung “Licht” (Exhibition “Light”), Georg Staehelin, Ottenbach, 1991
5. Boxen/ko/Boxmeeting, Claude Kuhn, Bern, 1991
6. Jazz Festival Willisau ’91, Studio Niklaus Troxler, 1991
7. Die Bleichen Berge: Fotografien von Walter Niedermayr (White mountains: photographs), designer: Rose Müller, photographer: Setaprint, Zürich, 1994
8. Schweizer Obst-Geschenk der Natur: Mit Haut und Stil (Swiss fruit: gift of nature: with skin and style), Aurel Peyer, Zug, 1996
9. Boxplakat: Angehrn-Rocchigiani (Boxing Match: Angehrn vs Rocchigiani), Roland Hess, Zürich
Tamás Kiss, Zürich, 1997
10. Japanische Plakate Heute (Japanese posters today), Kazumasa Nagai, 2006
Collection is donated by Ruedi Ruegg, Switzerland, supported by APG (Swiss Outdoor Advertising Company) and housed at Special Collections, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries. Sponsored by School of Design.