Poster Monday: Blues Poster – Mississippi John Hurt
The second Poster Monday spot of the month belongs to William Boulay for his poster “Blues Poster – Mississippi John Hurt”; William is a young french graphic designer since 2007 whit a Bac “Arts Appliqués” in hand, associated with a BTS in Product Design (Assistant of Industrial Creation) and a professional degree in design and communication. He started working as a freelance Designer/Project Manager in a lighting & furniture designer, also as a designer at Qdos (designer of accessories for Apple) at the beginning of the excitement of consumers for the iPhone. William continued as a freelance graphic designer and on other various projects. In late 2009 joined the company named Pixtel as a Graphic Designer print and web/wap. “My approach of design and graphic design is simple, always be able to take up challenges and to answer the customer’s request at best, guiding the client and offer something new and creative”.
“The “Blues Poster – Mississippi John Hurt” was born form when for the first time, I came across this mythical picture of the bluesmen Mississippi “John” Hurt taken by the polish-american photographer Bernard Gotfryd, I immediately fell in love with it. This photography is a strong mix of simplicity and complexity at the same time. Mississippi “John” Hurt is well known for his subtle mix of blues, country and bluegrass. His style is characterized by fingerpicking guitar playing and his soft voice, like a whisper. So the light on the photography is a great mix of all of this, with this cozy atmosphere and all that shadows that marry perfectly the wrinkles and all the weight of the complex years that Mississippi “John” Hurt had to passing through”. “I just had to take my pencil and make this poster which is at the same time a tribute to this great bluesmen and this great photographer, both underrated” says William.
If you would like to follow Jon’s work visit his behance. And remember to submit your posters to be featured in our coming editions of Poster Monday.