Poster Monday: Experience something new
The second Poster Monday spot of the day belongs to Lila Skanavi from Thessaloniki, Greece for her poster entitled Experience something new. Lila was born and grew up in Thessaloniki and has been working as a graphic designer since 1990. She started to get interested in social design after participating in the Poster for tomorrow’s Democracy Cafe workshop, that took place during the Graphic Design Educational Meeting Toolkit Startup at Thessaloniki . Her work was selected for the open call Carteles por Ayotzinapa in the Primera Bienal Internacional de Cartel ‘Oaxaca. Also one of her posters about “work right” was selected as shortlisted for Poster for Tomorrow international competition.
The poster Experience something new was designed for the Adelaide Fringe 2015 competition and it was created to give a positive message about the chances that we have to experiment new things in design. Lila tell us “I love the idea of spreading social messages around the world through poster design”.
If you would like to see more projects from Lila Skanavi please visit her personal Behance page. And remember that if you would like to see your work featured on Poster Monday visit our submissions page and send us your work.