Ecuador Poster Bienal in China
Ecuador Poster Bienal in China
We are happy to share with you some very exciting news in the world of posters. The Ecuador Poster Bienal is currently exhibiting a selection of amazing posters in the country of China. The show has been carefully organized and curated by an international group of designers and educators. Some of the very best posters that were selected for the Ecuador Poster Bienal will be on display at the Vanke Canal Bund Art Museum in Wuxi, China. It is also worth noting that China has been an invited country to participate in the upcoming 2018 Ecuador Poster Bienal. The exhibition can be seen until Oct. 29th, 2017.
Exhibition Schedule:
21st Oct. 2017 – 29th Oct. 2017
Li Zhenyu (China), Sha Feng (China), Christopher Scott (Ecuador), Bai Yun (China)
Exhibition Place:
Vanke Canal Bund Art Museum, Wuxi, China
Vanke Canal Bund
Visual communication and information design department, Jiangnan University
Regional Visual Design Culture Research Team, School of Design, Jiangnan University
Ecuador Poster Bienal
The Council of China-Kor Design in Asian(ADCK)
Associazione di Design Cinese e italiano in Italia(ADCI)
Event Executive:
EVAN CREATIVE, Zhixin Art Museum for Children, Paper+, Wuxi Master Media Co.,Ltd.
Selected Designers:
Argentina / Argentina
Mono Grinbaum
Brasil / Brazil
Thiago Lacaz
China / China
Dawei Li
Fu Yi Fu Da Mei
Haoran Sui
Heyu Li
Huang Zhen Xing
Jinyu Huang
Juan Tan
Li Meng
Li Wei
Longfei Nie
Miaomiao Li
Mingliang Li
Peng Jun
Tingjin Shi
Wang Daili
Wang Shan Ni / Sheng Yi
Wang Yujue
Weijie Guo
Xiaolin Zhu
Xiaoshi Gao
Yue Sun
Yuehua Ding
Yuesong Chen
Zhang Qiang
Zhengshan Rao
Zhulin Jin
郝文嘉 Wenjia Hao
Dinamarca / Denmark
Finn Nygaard
Ecuador / Ecuador
Adrian Carrera
David Feria
David Jiménez
Felipe Jácome López
Fernando Pazmiño
Francisco Giler
Gabriel Guerra
Javier Escobar
Javier Jarrín
Javier Pérez (cintascotch)
Jesús Alberto Suárez Pauta
Mariam López
Pablo Machado E.
Paola Sofía Serrano Santos
Wendi Lozano
Francia / France
Michal Batory
Alemania / Germany
Götz Gramlich
Irán / Iran
Babak Bayrami
Koorosh Karimi
Irlanda / Ireland
Aga Grandowicz
Israel / Israel
Yossi Lemel
Japon / Japan
Chikako Oguma小熊千佳子
Shin’ichi Ikawa
Jordán / Jordan
Wesam Mazhar Haddad
Corea / Korea
Byoung Il Sun
México / Mexico
Emmanuel Ivan Tanús
Sergio Grande
Polonia / Poland
Jan Bajtlik
Joanna Górska and Jerzy Skakun
Justyna Stefańczyk
Sebastian Kubica
Ryszard Kaja
Wojciech Osuchowski
Rusia / Russia
Dmitry Rekin
Serbia / Serbia
Jovan Tarbuk
Eslovenia / Slovenia
Radovan Jenko
España / Spain
Daniel Hernando Rabaza
David Criado
Suiza / Switzerland
berger stadel walsh
Cybu Richli (C2F)
Erich Brechbühl
Taiwán / Taiwan
Leo Lin
Ucrania / Ukraine
Oleksandr Protsenko
Estados Unidos / United States
Jean-Benoit Levy
Scott Laserow
Venezuela / Venezuela
Frank Guzman
If you would like to learn more about this exhibition take a look at their website.
For more more news and information about posters please visit our news page here.