Exhibition: Ecuador Poster Bienal in Warsaw
Ecuador Poster Bienal
The team at Poster Poster is very happy to share with you details and pictures from a special exhibition happening now in Poland. Currently, the Post-Ecuador Poster Bienal is being held at the Olympic Centre in Warsaw, and features over 160 posters designed from artists around the world.
The Ecuador Poster Bienal was founded in Sept. 2015. It’s efforts focus to be an academic, professional, and creative event that connects the best visual communicators worldwide. It was founded by Christopher Scott and Santiago Gomez with the goal of bringing design to Ecuador and to the world, but also aims to get Ecuador recognized as one of the best countries in Latin America for design. The bienal kicked-off with an international poster competition that had a jury consisting of some of the top designers in the world. It brought in nearly 10,000 poster entries in which the best works were selected in various categories. The bienal continues traveling to many great countries and museums including the Centro Cultural De La PUCE, Quito, Ecuador, the Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial Sede Matriz, Quito, Ecuador, and Centrum Spotkania Kultur in Lublin, Poland.
Exhibition Schedule:
10th May 2017 – 31st May 2017
Trustees in Poland:
Anna Kłos and Dariusz Mlącki
Organizers in Warsaw:
Gallery (-1) Polish Olympic Committee
University of applied information technology and management wit
Correction Gallery
Kultur Centre
If you would like further details about this exhibition check their website.
For more more news and information about posters please visit our news page here.