Poster Monday: The Blue, The Black, The Horse’s born
For this first Poster Monday spot of the month we have a poster from Rasool Haghjoo, he was born 1981 in Tehran – Iran, it’s a member of ITPODA (Iranian Theater Poster DesignersAssociation) and also a member of IGDS (Iranian Graphic Designers Association). He has about twenty years involved in graphic design. Rasool have participated in so many exhibitions, and also won so many prizes in graphic design competitions, such as 2nd prize of International poster contest of FADJR theater festival.
The poster that we are featuring here today entitled “The Blue, The Black, The Horse’s born” is a theater poster. The main character of this theater, tries to dig a grave for finding or hiding something. Because of that shows an old shovel blade. “I designed a new typography and replace these three sentences instead of eyes and lip. I wanted to make an ugly face with a rusty old shovel blade and “The blue”, “The Black”, ” The Horse’s born” words” says Rasool
If you would like to know more about Rasool Haghjoo please visit his web page. Stay around until we unveil the next spot Poster Monday spot. If you would like to submit a poster to be featured on Poster Mondays find all the info you need to participate in our submissions page.