Poster Monday: Democracy Lost
Olga Severina was born in Kharkov, Ukraine, and our third Poster Monday spot of December with her poster “Democracy Lost”. Olga is a graduate with a Ph.D. in Visual Arts from the Kharkov State Academy of Arts and Design. She began her professional career in a high-ranking design studio in Moscow, Russia. Later she refocused her artistic efforts to an area of book and magazine designs and became an art director for the publishing house Personalities in Kiev.
Currently, Olga is a graphic designer and an exhibition curator residing in Los Angeles CA. She has always been a very active participant in the international design community and was involved with the International Eco-Poster Exhibition The 4th Block (Kharkov, Ukraine). Olga is one of the members of the Organizing Committee, served as a selection committee member for the international graphic design exhibition Golden Bee (Russia) and put together a variety of environmental exhibits in cities across the United States. Some of these projects are – *Rebranding The Russian Avant-garde (2014, USA), Eco Art: Graphic Design for Change (2013, USA), Eco-Deology: Cause and Effect (2012, USA) and AIGA (Re) Design Awards 2011 (USA).
The poster Democracy Lost was inspired by recent unrest in Catalonia, Spain, where people were not allowed to vote in the referendum, thus undermining the whole fabric of democracy. “I hope that my poster will remind people that democracy is based on the differences of opinions and only through dialog people can come to an understanding. It is designed to remind us, that every voice is deserved to be heard, even the one you might disagree with, for tomorrow your voice might be the one being tuned out” says Olga.
Visit Olga’s personal behance account to find more about her work. If you would like to see your work featured on our site visit our submissions page and send your work.